Here are more details of the process to designate the boundaries for the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Neighbourhood Plan working party and the Parish Council decided to use the Parish Council boundaries as the proposed designated area for the plan. This was because the issues facing the neighbouring villages and their requirements for the future were different to ours. A six week Consultation ran from 19 November until 31 December 2014.
East Cambridgeshire District Council considered Sutton Parish Council’s application to designate a Neighbourhood Area at their meeting on 8 January 2015.
Plan Area Designation
Here are more details of the process to designate the boundaries for the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Neighbourhood Plan working party and the Parish Council decided to use the Parish Council boundaries as the proposed designated area for the plan. This was because the issues facing the neighbouring villages and their requirements for the future were different to ours. A six week Consultation ran from 19 November until 31 December 2014.
Letter to ECDC to apply for designation, Designation area map and Designation Consultation Poster.
A significant numbers of organisations replied to the consultation and their responses are listed here:
Cambridgeshire County Council response
Norfolk County Council response
Sport England response
Natural England Response
Coal Authority response
Environment Agency Response
Anglian Water response
Drainage Board response
English Heritage response
Marine Management organisation response
East Cambridgeshire District Council considered Sutton Parish Council’s application to designate a Neighbourhood Area at their meeting on 8 January 2015.
ECDC Report on Designation
The District Council approved the Parish Council’s application at the meeting and confirmed the decision in writing.
ECDC Letter to confirm designation