What this topic involves for us in Sutton – This topic area covers a broad base of new housing in the village and the design and materials that may be used when delivering new development of all kinds. Your views are sought on the potential location, scale, mix and general appearance of new development in Sutton, along with the precise types of home or new building that may be required in both the village and wider Parish.
The following list represents the key housing and design issues that were identified during the course of the Launch Event on the 3rd October 2015. Please note that some of the issues set out below may conflict as they are based on the correlation of views received from individual residents. Also please note there may be duplication of issues raised between different topic areas.
Issues that may adequately be covered by neighbourhood planning policy:
Respecting and preserving the character of the village through the promotion of high quality design;
Protecting and enhancing the conservation area and its setting which supports the character and heritage of the village;
Maintaining a mix of house sizes, types and tenure within the village;
Protection of the historic built environment, such as the conservation area and listed buildings;
Protection of the existing green spaces within the village;
Engagement in the shaping of the indicative planning framework for the land North of The Brook as indicated in the local plan,
Consideration of the proximity of new housing to services and facilities and the ability for infrastructure, local services and green space and sport and recreation facilities provision, to be sustainably developed to match housing growth;
Ensure safe and well planned access routes by vehicle and on foot or cycle are provided from new housing developments and their community facilities to the rest of the village and out into the surrounding rural area.
Consideration of location for new burial ground for the parish
Ensure that the village does not lose its character due to inappropriately dense development;
Consideration of a need for more smaller houses for first time buyers and those seeking to downsize; consideration of the potential addition of planned housing land allocation in this respect;
Provision of an adequate supply of affordable and social properties in the village;
Provision of housing to meet all sectors of the community including older people and people with limited mobility;
Avoidance of piecemeal infilling and the provision of a proper vision in terms of how housing will be delivered in a well-planned fashion add;
Ensure that adequate parking is provided to keep the streets uncluttered and accessible.
There are no issues that should be followed up by the Parish Council as community actions.
Housing and the Built Environment
What this topic involves for us in Sutton – This topic area covers a broad base of new housing in the village and the design and materials that may be used when delivering new development of all kinds. Your views are sought on the potential location, scale, mix and general appearance of new development in Sutton, along with the precise types of home or new building that may be required in both the village and wider Parish.
The following list represents the key housing and design issues that were identified during the course of the Launch Event on the 3rd October 2015. Please note that some of the issues set out below may conflict as they are based on the correlation of views received from individual residents. Also please note there may be duplication of issues raised between different topic areas.
Issues that may adequately be covered by neighbourhood planning policy:
There are no issues that should be followed up by the Parish Council as community actions.