The Glebe 4 High St, Sutton, Ely CB6 2RB 01353 777189

Draft Sutton Neighbourhood Plan Review Consultation

In May 2019 a Neighbourhood Plan for our parish was adopted by East Cambridgeshire District Council after it was supported by 90% of residents that turned out at a parish referendum. Since then, the Neighbourhood Plan has been used by them when making decisions on planning applications in the parish.

Our Plan was one of the first to be prepared in the East Cambridgeshire District and put us in a strong position to ensure that planning decisions reflected the local priorities expressed in our Plan. However, the world of planning continuously changes. In the four years since the Plan was finished there have been a number of changes nationally and locally that mean that our Plan is now not up-to-date and doesn’t cover important matters.

We are consulting on our Neighbourhood Plan Review document, and we want feedback on it over the coming weeks.

Consultation lasts until Friday 21 July.  It’s your chance to say whether or not you support the content of the new Plan or would like to see some changes.

We’ve also produced a summary leaflet which has been distributed to every household and business.

We would welcome your comments. These can be submitted online using the following link Online Comments Form or by completing the form below and returning it as instructed on the form. 

If you would prefer to look at a paper version of the plan, it can be borrowed for a short period from the Parish Council at The Glebe, 4 High Street. (open Monday to Thursday 10:00am to 12:00pm).

Background Studies

The following background studies have been prepared to support the Plan, namely:

Modification Process

Government Planning Practice Guidance notes that there are three types of modification which can be made to a neighbourhood plan or order. The process will depend on the degree of change which the modification involves.  The Parish Council has prepared a Statement setting out that the new Plan makes “material modifications” to the original Plan but which do not change the nature of the Plan. The Parish Council considers that it would require independent examination but not a new referendum.  However, the Independent Examiner will make the ultimate decision on this matter.

What next

Following the completion of the consultation, we will review comments received, make any necessary amendments to the Plan and then submit it to East Cambridgeshire District Council in order that it can proceed to examination and, if necessary, a parish referendum.