The Glebe 4 High St, Sutton, Ely CB6 2RB 01353 777189


What this topic involves for us in Sutton – Biodiversity and Natural Environment is all around us and should be taken account of at all levels of planning for our Parish. It is important to protect biodiversity in its own right. It is an important asset for the local community and is a key element of local well-being. We should also be planning to enhance and extend biodiversity.

The following list represents the key biodiversity issues that were identified during the course of the Launch Event on the 3rd October 2015. Please note that some of the issues set out below may conflict as they are based on the correlation of views received from individual residents. Also please note there may be duplication of issues raised between different topic areas:

Issues that may adequately be covered by neighbourhood planning policy:

  • Protection of the Ouse Washes SPA, SSSI and NNR and recognition of its national importance;
  • Protection of other local level habitats and green spaces capable of supporting wildlife;
  • Recognition of the potential for the creation of additional areas for the enjoyment of leisure and wildlife within the Parish, in particular on the Old Rec;
  • Encouragement of sustainable building practices in new developments;
  • Recognition of the value of mature trees and planting around the village;
  • Ensure that, if the village grows, it does not grow onto meadow land which enhances the character ,heritage and setting of the village;
  • Ensure inclusion of areas for protecting and enhancing biodiversity, landscape enhancement and wildlife in the proposed “indicative planning framework” for development of land to the north of the village ;
  • Encouragement of access to the countryside through enhanced walking and cycling links into and out of the village.

Issues that should be followed up by the Parish Council as community actions ;

  • Encouragement of the production and use of local food and produce;
  • Encouragement of awareness and appreciation of local wildlife, both flora and fauna;
  • Ensure people make the most of their gardens as either a potential habitat or an opportunity to produce sustainable foodstuffs;
  • Encouragement of bat boxes, bird houses and other appropriate contributors to the local habitats provided by the village;
  • Encouragement of local monitoring of the impacts of rural industry on local ecology and habitats, including the use of pesticides and the operation of the straw burning plant;
  • Development of a network of local ecologists that can help record and nurture the wide variety of wildlife that lives in the Parish;
  • Seek an extension of the Sutton Conservation Area, to protect historic meadow land
  • Encouragement of planting of more wildflower species throughout the village, including on verges and in gardens;
  • Support for the work of the Sutton Conservation Society;
  • Encouragement of the planting of trees and new hedgerows on farmland surrounding the village; and
  • Educate and build an appreciation within the school children and adults living in the village in relation to local wildlife and its value.
  • Encouragement of local composting in both private gardens and investigation of a community facility
  • Work with the OWLPS project to provide interpretation board(s) and leaflets.