The Glebe 4 High St, Sutton, Ely CB6 2RB 01353 777189

Review of the ‘Made’ Sutton Neighbourhood Plan May 2019

Sutton Parish Council agreed it was time to review and update the ‘Made’ Sutton Neighbourhood Plan (May 2019).  The Council appointed Mr Ian Poole, Places4People, as its planning consultant.

An initial grant was applied for to cover the planning consultant costs.  It was also noted that the parish council could obtain technical support to provide a Housing Needs Assessment and a Sutton Design Code.  This work was undertaken during 2021 and the final documents can be found here.

Sutton Cambs HNA Report Final 2021

Sutton Design Code Final

The working party is currently undertaking a review of the Neighbourhood Plan Policies.  A public event was held on Saturday 19th March 2022, in The Glebe, Sutton.  Residents were be able to view the work to date, and comment on the draft policies.