The Glebe 4 High St, Sutton, Ely CB6 2RB 01353 777189

Policy Evolution

This page provides further explanation of the evolution of the Neighbourhood Plan Policies from the initial draft policies published in July 2016 to the finalised policies published in November 2017.

General Policies

Policy NP1a revised and renumbered NP1

Protect the historic elements of the village, including the designated Conservation Area along with other areas such as older buildings in the Row and in Bury Lane and along with areas designated on the accompanying map with the aim of preserving the character and heritage of the village.

[map identifying the designated areas to be added]

Policies NP1b, NP1c and NP1d

Now part of Sutton North policies.

Policy NP2a

Proposed Green Open Spaces designation dropped following rejection in revised ECDC Local Plan. Proposal to create an informal nature reserve on the old recreation ground moved to Community Actions.

Policy NP2b

This is not a planning policy issue and will be captured as part of Community Actions.

Policies NP2c

Now part of Sutton North policy SN2.

Revised and combined Policies NP3a and NP3b renumbered NP2

To support further development of the Elean Business Park for employment and to require the preparation of a masterplan or development brief for the development of the site. The masterplan to be prepared by the landowners through engagement with the local community, East Cambridgeshire District Council and any other relevant bodies and to be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document for the site. The masterplan should include support for development of starter business units.

Policy N4a

Deleted (the requirement for school and health facilities is addressed in Policy NP1d).

Policy NP4b

Deleted but noted policy COM3 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan provides for the retention of shops and other community facilities and policy CM1 of the Local Plan makes provision for the location of new shops, which requires that a sequential approach has been taken to identifying a suitable location, working outwards from the existing shopping area.

Policy NP5a

This is not a planning policy issue and will be captured as part of Community Actions.

Policy NP5b:

Deleted as key elements are captured in new Sutton North Policy SN2.

Policies NP6a

Revised and now part of Sutton North Policy SN4.

Policy NP6b

This is not a planning policy issue and will be captured as part of Community Actions.

Policy NP6c:

Deleted but key elements incorporated into Policy SN4.

Garden Close

New policy to take account of proposed development east of Garden Close

Policy GC1

Development to the east of Garden Close should be low-density predominantly single-storey dwellings to reflect the existing neighbouring development and to preserve views of the village from the south.

Sutton North Policies

Policy NP1b revised and renumbered Policy SN1

Major new development should be to the north of the village and should be no more than 250 homes. It should have different styles and ranges of accommodation aimed at integrating the whole site into the village. It should include at least 30 per cent affordable housing and a detailed mechanism for its delivery [this target aligns with that in current draft Local Plan].

Policies NP1c and NP2c revised, combined and renumbered Policy SN2

  1. Integrate the existing community facilities to create a village green resource focused on new playing fields and all weather pitch, the school and the Brooklands Centre as part of the Sutton North development to achieve the Fields in Trust guidelines.
    [To include the indicative drawing already agreed by the Parish Council]
  2. To incorporate play areas for toddlers, juniors and youths into the plans for the Sutton North development to achieve the Fields in Trust guidelines.
  3. To protect existing landscape and wildlife features in any large scale development to the north of the village integrating new extensive landscape and wildlife areas.
  4. To enable provision of suitable land in the village for a new burial ground and additional allotments.

Revised Policy NP1d and renumbered Policy SN3

Ensure that any major development is phased in step with the expansion of local infrastructure such as schools and health facilities.

Revised Policy NP6a renumbered Policy SN4

A site development brief for the Sutton North development should consider access and circulation issues for all modes of travel. This should include provision of safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists from the Sutton North development to village centre, primary school and recreation facilities.


Community Actions

Recommend that the Parish Council’s Traffic Management and Environmental Enhancement Working Party:

  1. Encourage the development of a comprehensive approach to traffic management across the village
  2. Consider provisions of additional traffic management measurements, along with improved pedestrian, cycling and disabled access provision elsewhere in the village to address and mitigate increased traffic volumes from new developments.

Recommend that the Parish Council’s Sports and Recreation Working Party:

  1. Work with the Sutton Conservation Society to create an informal nature reserve on the old recreation ground
  2. Investigate ways to promote ‘Sport for all’ across all sections of the community, including consideration of a suitable location for skateboard facilities
  3. Investigate more broadly the provision of sports and other outdoor recreation activities

Recommend the Parish Council:

  1. Undertake a survey to identify street furniture improvements
  2. Undertake a survey to identify signage clutter in the village
  3. Work with the County Council’s Rights of Way Officer to explore ideas for ways to promote existing and new permissive access to provide several circular routes for walkers out into the surrounding countryside from the village