A survey was distributed to all houses in the village in January 2015. This provided residents with their first real opportunity to contribute to the Neighbourhood Plan. See Sutton Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire 2015. Responses could be returned as paper copies or alternatively online.
An Open Forum was held on 19 February 2015 at which residents had the opportunity to hear about the results of the survey and to learn more about Neighbourhood Plans in general. The presentation on the results is available in Open Forum Presentation 2015.
Open Day in October 2015
An Open Day was held at the Glebe on Saturday 3 October 2015 aimed at gathering information from residents for the purpose of formulating the Vision, Aims and Objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan. Residents were asked for their views on six themes:
Traffic and Transport
Local Services
Sport and Recreation
The results from the Open Day were collated and reviewed by the working party together with an external planning consultant. A vision and set of objectives were then also developed by the working party. This resulted in the publishing of the Sutton Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Vision and Objectives Report on the Parish Council website.
There was also an interim report back in the Christmas 2015 Pepperpot, see Pepperpot Xmas 2015.
Residents’ Survey in January 2016
A second survey was conducted in January 2016. The purpose of this survey was to provide residents with the opportunity of commenting on the proposed objectives that came out of the Open Day and which were captured in the Vision and Objectives Report. The survey document NP Consultation Jan 2016 Questionnaire was made available on the Parish Council website and was also distributed to everyone who provided their contact details at the October 2015 Open Day.
Business Forum in May 2016
A Business Forum was held at the Elean Business Park on 19 May 2016 to gain the views of local businesses on what we require for the future. Further details can be found here: Business Forum Report.
Draft Policy Consultation Summer 2016
The Parish Council’s Summer 2016 Newsletter was distributed to all homes in Sutton. The centre spreadsheet of the newsletter provided an update of the Neighbourhood Plan and details of the proposed development to the north of the village. See the Newsletter 2016 centre spread.
A set of draft policies were developed and published in an A4 insert included in the newsletter. Residents were asked to indicate whether or not they supported each of the draft policies and to provide any additional comments. Residents could respond either by returning the paper copy of the insert or by answering the consultation questions online. See the Newsletter 2016 insert.
Draft Policy Survey Results – September 2016 Total responses: Online 38, Hardcopy 28
The launch of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan was held on Saturday 24 March 2018. A series of display panels provided the background to the Neighbourhood Plan process, information on the East Cambs District Council Local Plan, a summary of the proposals to be contained in the Neighbourhood Plan and a description of the next steps. Residents provided feedback on the forms provided and this feedback was used as further input into the Neighbourhood Plan document.
The Pre-Submission Consultation began on Monday 16 July 2018 after the finalised draft Neighbourhood Plan document was formally approved at the Parish Council meeting on 26 June 2018. The consultation ran through to Monday 10 September 2018.
The working party reviewed all of the feedback received. That feedback together with the working party responses can be found here: Consultation Statement November 2018 (this document also summarises all the consultations that have taken place).
Details of Consultations
Residents’ Survey in January 2015
A survey was distributed to all houses in the village in January 2015. This provided residents with their first real opportunity to contribute to the Neighbourhood Plan. See Sutton Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire 2015. Responses could be returned as paper copies or alternatively online.
An Open Forum was held on 19 February 2015 at which residents had the opportunity to hear about the results of the survey and to learn more about Neighbourhood Plans in general. The presentation on the results is available in Open Forum Presentation 2015.
Open Day in October 2015
An Open Day was held at the Glebe on Saturday 3 October 2015 aimed at gathering information from residents for the purpose of formulating the Vision, Aims and Objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan. Residents were asked for their views on six themes:
The results from the Open Day were collated and reviewed by the working party together with an external planning consultant. A vision and set of objectives were then also developed by the working party. This resulted in the publishing of the Sutton Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Vision and Objectives Report on the Parish Council website.
There was also an interim report back in the Christmas 2015 Pepperpot, see Pepperpot Xmas 2015.
Residents’ Survey in January 2016
A second survey was conducted in January 2016. The purpose of this survey was to provide residents with the opportunity of commenting on the proposed objectives that came out of the Open Day and which were captured in the Vision and Objectives Report. The survey document NP Consultation Jan 2016 Questionnaire was made available on the Parish Council website and was also distributed to everyone who provided their contact details at the October 2015 Open Day.
Business Forum in May 2016
A Business Forum was held at the Elean Business Park on 19 May 2016 to gain the views of local businesses on what we require for the future. Further details can be found here: Business Forum Report.
Draft Policy Consultation Summer 2016
The Parish Council’s Summer 2016 Newsletter was distributed to all homes in Sutton. The centre spreadsheet of the newsletter provided an update of the Neighbourhood Plan and details of the proposed development to the north of the village. See the Newsletter 2016 centre spread.
A set of draft policies were developed and published in an A4 insert included in the newsletter. Residents were asked to indicate whether or not they supported each of the draft policies and to provide any additional comments. Residents could respond either by returning the paper copy of the insert or by answering the consultation questions online. See the Newsletter 2016 insert.
Draft Policy Survey Results – September 2016
Total responses: Online 38, Hardcopy 28
Draft Neighbourhood Plan launch
The launch of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan was held on Saturday 24 March 2018. A series of display panels provided the background to the Neighbourhood Plan process, information on the East Cambs District Council Local Plan, a summary of the proposals to be contained in the Neighbourhood Plan and a description of the next steps. Residents provided feedback on the forms provided and this feedback was used as further input into the Neighbourhood Plan document.
Pre-Submission Consultation
The Neighbourhood Plan working party prepared the draft Neighbourhood Plan document ready for the formal six week minimum Pre-Submission consultation. That version of the plan is here: Sutton-Neighbourhood-Plan-Pre-Submission-Consultation-July-2018.
The Pre-Submission Consultation began on Monday 16 July 2018 after the finalised draft Neighbourhood Plan document was formally approved at the Parish Council meeting on 26 June 2018. The consultation ran through to Monday 10 September 2018.
The working party reviewed all of the feedback received. That feedback together with the working party responses can be found here: Consultation Statement November 2018 (this document also summarises all the consultations that have taken place).